Ps Gary Shek, Ps Peter Zia

2022年8月14日1 分鐘

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Hello Church !!

  This Saturday/Sunday we will continue our sermon series “Filled with the Holy Spirit.”

  Many people are attending church today but are still much unaware of being filled with the Holy Spirit, some are skeptical about it, and some suggest this was only in the time of Apostles Peter, Paul etc. and not for this time. Others do think it’s only for special people, and others are not sure whether they themselves have been filled or not. There is a general sense of not having much idea in many people going to church today in this subject.

  We see in Acts of Apostol chapter 10:44 While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit Fell upon all who heard his message. Here we read that the Holy Spirit fell upon all who were present. The Holy Spirit is not only for some people but for all people who hear and receive the message of God. Another scripture yet is Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you. We all need power to do many things if not all things of our lives, the power to make important decisions, the power to accomplish tasks, the power to achieve our life goals. We need the power! On our own we can’t do much.

  I therefore invite you to find out how we can align ourselves and resonate to these scripture and the sermon Filled with the Holy Spirit that will enable us walk our lives from victory to victory in Jesus’ name.

  May the Lord bless us all this week!
