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為反轉家族作準備 Preparation for your Family Transformation

Rev. Gary Shek, Rev. Maggie Tsang



新曆年已過了一個多月,你知道神要怎樣帶領你?然而, 就快又到農曆新年了, 你會怎樣預備你自己呢? 2月11日的「反轉家族特會」將會是你全面祝福家族的一個力量,關心家族得救是我們的要務,知道怎樣為他們禱告爭戰十分重要。當晚特會後,接續在12城門有跨年的祈禱,加深為家族認罪和代禱,讓我們在年初的時候就將自已家族還未信耶穌的人都帶到主的寶座前,誠心向神呼求,不要被中國傳統的節期拜祭,再叫我們家人陷入靈界的約束裡。

感謝主耶穌基督為我們立了新約,通過我們代認罪向神求赦免,把家族的轄制拆解,把咒詛破除。路加福音22章20節 耶穌在飯後也照樣拿起杯來說:「這杯是用我血所立新約是為你們流出來的。」 希伯來書9章15節「為此他作了新約的中保,既然受死贖了人在前約之時所犯的罪過,便叫蒙召之人得著所應許永遠的產業。」

今年的年初三,既是主日又是情人節,讓我們將愛情給神,成為神的情人。那天教會將參與初三獻馨香祭的直播,由中午12時至下午4時,在網上以禱告同心祝福香港,讓神的愛情激發自己的熱情,愛更神。來! 一同見證神復興香港成的作為。

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

It has been more than a month since the new year, do you know how God will lead you? The Lunar New Year is also near, how will you prepare yourself? The Reversal of Family Conference on Feb 11 will be strength for you to bless your family in an all-round way, caring for the family’s salvation is our top priority, knowing how to pray and fight the warfare for them is very important. After the Conference finishes on that night, the New Year’s Eve prayers will continue, will be held at 12 gates to deepen the confession and intercession for the family. Let us bring all the people of our family who have not yet believed in Jesus to the throne of the Lord at the beginning of the year, cry to God with sincerity, not to be bound by the spiritual world due to the traditional Chinese festival worship.

Thanks Lord Jesus Christ for making a new covenant for us, through our confession of sins on behalf to ask God for forgiveness, to dismantle the bondage on the family, and to break the curses. In Luke 22:20, Jesus also took the cup after the supper and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood which is poured out for you.” Hebrews 9:15 “For this reason, he is the mediator of a new covenant, since death has redeemed the sins committed during the first covenant, so that the called will receive the promised eternal inheritance."

The third day of Lunar New Year (Feb 14) not only is Sunday but also is Valentine's Day. Let us give our love to our God and become God's lover. In this day, our church will participate in the live broadcast of the Third Day Sweet Offering, from 12 noon to 4pm, we will pray and bless Hong Kong in unity on the internet, so that God's love to inspire our enthusiasm to love God more. Come! Let witness God's work to revive Hong Kong.

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