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Rev. Gary Shek

I would like to suggest to rethinking, and rechecking your heart for the Lord. Do you really love the Lord? This was the question Jesus asks Peter, not only once, but three times. Every time Peter answer Jesus would ask Peter to do him something (John 21:15-25).

This reminds us of Jesus great commandment –37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Matthew 22:37.

Jesus commanded us to love him with all our strength, heart and soul right? Loving God should be seen in your action, at least on these five aspects of your life. In your prayer life, your worship, your serving, your giving, and in your obedience.

How are you doing on these things? Do you have a discipline prayer? The Bible reminded us to pray without ceasing (1Thess. 5:17). Or you only pray when you have problem.

How about your worship? Is it enough that you sing worship song, No! Romans 12:2 “I appeal to you therefore, brothers,[a] by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship”. Worship should be your lifestyle, that everything you do is your worship to God.

How about your serving? Are you using the gift God has given you to serve Him with no other personal gain? But serving God because you love Him.

How about your giving? When was the last time you give sacrificially? Have you given your precious time to someone in need of your comfort, and care? Have you faithfully give your tithing and offering as he commanded? God has modelled giving, to us, when he gave his one and only son Jesus Christ as a sacrifice to atone for our sins. He does this because of his love for you and me. (John 3:16).

And lastly, how is your obedience? When was the last time you obeyed the Lord. In our DOBL (Discover & Obey Bible Lessons) we always ask this question “How did you obey God yesterday or last week?” It does not matter, you memorized the whole bible if you are not putting that into action its nothing.

God great commandment not only ends on verse 37 of Matthew 22. It continues on verse 39 39 and a second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself”. God said it’s the same as the first commandment verse 38. Meaning to complete the great commandment in your life, you not only pray, worship, serves, give and obey. You also need to give, to respect, serve, to care others as yourself. This leads me to another question. What is the best way to love our neighbor? All those respecting, serving, caring others were all point out to giving. Your love to others can only be best manifested when you give your friends, relatives a chance to hear the gospel of the kingdom of God. There is no better gift you can give to your love ones but Jesus Christ. There is no better way to complete or fulfill the great commandment of the Lord Jesus but to love God and love others.

If you haven’t shared Jesus Christ to your friend, do it now. It is for your benefit and blessings!

Because the truth is you cannot really love God without loving others.

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