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Guidelines during typhoon or rainstorm:

1.     When No. 1 or No. 3 typhoon signal/yellow or red rainstorm warning is hoisted:  all services and meetings will proceed as usual, but individuals can decide whether to come back to church according to individual situation.

2.    When No. 8 typhoon signal/or black rainstorm warning is still hoisted 3 hours before service, all the services will be cancelled.  Everyone should stay at home or a safe place.  If No. 8 typhoon signal or black rainstorm warning is removed 3 hours before the service, the service will proceed can usual. 

3.    If No. 8 typhoon signal or black rain warning is hoisted in the midst of the service:
If in the midst of the service, the Observatory estimated the signal will be hoisted within 2 hours, all services will be stopped and everyone should go home immediately.
Rmark: 'Service/Services' is defined as all the celebration, small group, meetings, outdoor activities, etc.

(247 altar of Sunrise House of Prayer will operate as usual, brothers and sisters should decide whether to attend according to safety situation.)   

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