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二 十 載 的 新 曙 光

The     Two     Decades     of     Sunrise

Congratulations message to the 20th Anniversary


“祝福新曙光使徒性中心20年的事工,祝福禱告祭壇的帶領者、讚美敬拜團隊、與培訓門徒的教師們。祝福大家繼續的奮進,為主與福音發光。”    包德寧牧師 Rev. Dennis Balcombe 

“ 石牧師是很投身國度的事業 … 願聖靈大大使用你們,拓展天國的事業。”    元朗錦江堂主任牧師  劉金勝牧師

“ 新曙光 … 你們是世上的光,… 成為燈塔,讓更多迷航的魚船可聚集母港,… 繼續keep住你們的火。”    U-Fire 總幹事  胡裕勇先生

“ 新曙光 … 二十年真是不容易走 …, 一直行在神的旨意中,見弟兄姊妹愛主,傳福音的熱誠,甚至為耶穌付上代價,為你們感恩。”    屯門浸信教會主任牧師  陳志偉牧師

“ 新曙光有三個身份:
(一)  是本地教會(Local Church) …
(二)  是國際性教會 ─ 弟兄姊妹被差派到國際服侍 …
(三) 是國度性教會 ─ 每年辦十月一(香港祈禱日),是全城祈禱會,花了無限人力時間祈禱和精神,建造一個全城弟兄姊妹都可參予的祈禱會。”    和撒拿基金會長  王一平牧師

“新曙光 … 這名字代表住希望、雀躍和新的動力”

前主恩會主任牧師  陳偉民牧師


前大法官  Barbara Chan

“二十年來石牧師和團隊 … 做了許多禱告遮蓋,帶來轉化、帶來突破、帶來祝福。”    香港著名經濟和政策分析師  黃元山先生

“The work has been done … Sunrise has really been bringing this type of restoration, … healing, restoring people to the root of Christ”    Noah's Ark  Matthew Pine



20 Years’ Glory of God


我們在2002年成立了新曙光事工,開始服侍眾教會。我們的教會是走向神國度的教會。從2008年21天醫治佈道特會,到今年每週街佈。菲律賓事工從2005開始,如今有英/菲、印尼堂及難民事工。從「童心飯堂」到「倍增資源中心」 (MRC)的貧窮人事工,教會增長從開展小組教會到推行「門徒倍增運動」(DMM),神在當中不斷地擴展我們的境界,使我們看見神的愛延伸到街上和社區,神的偉大、奇妙和榮耀藉大家彰顯出來!


的基督新婦。因此,未來的十年並不是建造「我們的教會」,乃是建造神國度的群體,興起年輕而有活力的宣教士,走遍各城各鄉,讓神跡奇事隨著大家,榮耀歸給衪,直到永永遠遠,阿們! (石建華牧師 )

20 years have passed very quickly in a blink of an eye! If to summarize the past 20 years’ journey of Sunrise, I will use three adjective words to describe – New, Wonderful, and Influential!

I never want to take the old road, so Sunrise starts everything from nil. From building a church (2000) to becoming an apostolic centre (2020); From a prayer meeting to becoming an altar – there are morning offerings, evening offerings, 24/7(2010)... Our brothers and sisters have become disciples from laymen, even become mighty warriors, fulltime church staff, missionaries...Spiritual gifts are granted from nil; we start to heal, cast out demons, prophesy...and all kinds of miracles and wonders! In this way, Sunrise brothers and sisters have entered into a new and wonderful journey. Hallelujah!

We established Sunrise Ministry in 2002 and began to serve the churches. Our church is a church directing to the kingdom of God. From The 21-day healing evangelistic conference in 2008 to the weekly street evangelism this year. Filipino Ministry started in 2005, there are now English/Filipino, Indonesian, and refugee ministries. From Kiddy Heart Canteen to Multiplication Resources Centre (MRC) ministry for the poor, church growth from the development of small groups church to the implementation of the Disciple Making Movement (DMM), God has been constantly expanding our realm, so that we can see God’s love extends to the streets and communities, the greatness, wonder and glory of God will be revealed through everyone!

Nowadays, the establishment of altars and the promotion of the prayer movement can be regarded as the biggest contribution of Sunrise to influence Hong Kong. Every year the October 1st “Hong Kong Day of Prayer” and the Lunar Year Third Day “Jesus Loves HK Church Parade” can gather many churches and believers together, not only set up a central altar but also promote mountain high places prayers, bicycle prayers, bus prayers, district prayers in various districts; so that the fragrant of prayers fill the entire city! Hallelujah!

In 2020, God led us to establish an apostolic centre directing to the nations, we not only build our own “church” in Hong Kong but also build His kingdom. His kingdom is the whole earth, His mighty warriors go to the whole world, and His messengers are the brides of Christ who go out to finish Lord’s Great Commission and reach the end of the earth. Therefore,
the next ten years are not to build “our church”, but to build the community of God’s kingdom, Raise young and energetic missionaries, travel to all cities
and towns, let the miracles and wonders follow them, and all glory to God, forever and forever, Amen! (Rev. Gary Shek)

Sunrise Christian Community (HK):  7/F, Hub 8, 239 Temple Street, Jordan, Kowloon

Tel: (852) 2332 8361

Fax : (852) 2332 6232

©2021 by SCCHK. Proudly created

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