October 1 is not just once a year great event, it is also a continuous prayer movement that promote Hong Kong revival, church unity and pray that thousands of people to be saved. Being a disciple that follows God and pursue his heart, we should be more concerned about it and pray for this event.
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name
Heavenly father does not just belong to individuals, it is “our”. Our heavenly father hopes that His children can be united. In John 17 Jesus also pray for the unity of his disciples. It is not the pray meeting of just one domination or church, as long as it is not a cult, we are being invited to enter this united movement. May all the heavenly father’s children give a united prayer from the heart “Hong Kong people hallowed be your name.”
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
A real prayer is not praying for blessing for ourselves, but to pray for the kingdom business. On the earth Jesus talked about kingdom principles with his disciples. The will of God is for tens and thousands to be saved, not losing one soul. Therefore, the revival of churches in Hong Kong, people enter His kingdom must be God’s will. Our prayer is to have the heart of God, seek his will, protect our heart that we love souls, evangelize and establish God’s disciples.
Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors
It is easy to ask God for forgiveness if we sincerely repent and stay away from evil things. But many people are blinded and don’t know that they have sinned against God. They don’t know what they are doing. May God has mercy to our city, take away our blindness, let us discover and admit our sin—worship idols, fornication, pride, stubbornness. We know that God will not despise a sad and repenting spirit! We ask for God’s mercy, delay his judgement to us and give us more opportunity and time to repent because the end is near.
His name is holy and awesome
He provided redemption for his people; he ordained his covenant forever—holy and awesome is his name. (Psalms 111:9)
Although we have sinned against God again and again, He keeps his covenant and is willing to save us. May God give us a soft and humble heart, take away our hard heart, so that we will quickly return to you, accept your salvation, enter into your covenant. May people know your name is holy and awesome!