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A very big altar

Rev. Gary Shek

Monday October 1 Hong Kong Prayer Day is an annual grand event. God has chosen us and many churches in Hong Kong to promote prayer in unity. I believe our role is not only to promote prayer. We know that prayer can fulfil great things, so that we are willing to participate and encourage people to participate.

“ The king went to Gibeon to offer sacrifices, for that was the most important high place, and Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. 5 At Gibeon the LORD appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.”(1 Kings 3:4-5)

The above is an experience of Solomon. Among sons of David, there were a lot of outstanding ones. Solomon was son of Bathsheba, the woman who committed adultery with David. But his outstanding came from a spiritual experience.

When God’s temple was not built yet, Solomon loves Jehovah (1 Kings 3:3) and walked in his statute, and gave offering in the altar of high place and burnt incense and prayed (Rev 5:8). One day he went to Gibeon and offered sacrifice. It was called a very big altar, you can offer 1000 sacrifice to be burnt offering (burnt the whole sacrifice), do not leave anything or eat anything.

Consequently, that night something happens, God appeared in Solomon’s dream and said to him: “Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Wow! What a blessed promise. God is not asking him “what do you want to ask me?” “You have asked me very long, now I give you” “You must pray more before I promise you.” God is saying ”Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” Wow! This is the breadth of God, He has not limited Solomon’s petition nor did He denied his petition. He let him ask freely. Consequently, Solomon asked for wisdom and God not only gave him wisdom but also wealth and honor (1 Kings 3:13).

Solomon got what he got because he loved God (1 Kings 3:3). He also walked according to his statute. He asked for serving his people (1 Kings 3:7-11), he asked for wisdom. God was pleased (3:10) and He did not only give him wisdom but also wealth and honour.

How does this message linked with October 1 Hong Kong Prayer Day? The key is in Solomon offered 1000 sacrifice in a very big altar. Monday in Noah’s Ark is today’s big altar. Last year 5,000 people gathered and offered prayer there. It is a lot of sacrifice. God quickly appeared to Solomon. I expect a lot of prayers will be offered on October 1, God will be pleased with us and quickly come to us or answer our prayer so that the desire of our heart will be fulfilled. And Hong Kong this city will not be the same. Amen!

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