This year’s annual meeting was finished on Friday. God has done a big thing in our midst, hallelujah!
1. God has given us blueprint
God has molded our church to be a kingdom church. We are not just establishing Yaumatei Sunrise Christian Community or LA Sunrise Christian Community, God let us raise Sunrise in different places to be apostolic centers. An apostolic center include the following parts:

In every apostolic center we will establish 24.7 prayer tower, promote disciple making movement. Through training school we will train intercessory business missionaries, disciple multiplier and supernatural ministry. When this center matures, we will send people to nations, to establish apostolic centers in different countries through business or work mission.
2. Business mission
Through Rev. Manna’s team, in one belt one road cities, we establish more prayer tower. She has started business mission and establish prayer tower by cooperating with different business groups. We raise intercessors, many brothers and sisters have a part in establishing prayer tower through business ission.
3. Work MIssion
Rev. Rey said an alarming word “ Philippinos are everywhere in the world, except the moon” God also raised Philippines community church in our midst. Through Philippines brothers and sisters working overseas we can fulfil the purpose of mission and establish prayer towers and disciple making movement. We have to turn Hong Kong or Philippines Sunrise into mission training center and sending base, so that mission will be fulfilled and make more apostolic centers. Amen!
4. Solving conflicts
Lastly, because of having meeting and good communication, our difference becomes smaller. We understand that to work in a multi-cultural racial environment, we must be more patient, listen and respect in order to cooperate so that in the future ministry will be further expanded. Hallelujah!