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I have three very important things to share to you.

Rev. Gary Shek

First, Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mothers’ Day to all our beloved moms at Sunrise. You deserve to be appreciated after all the hard work and sacrifices you’ve done to our family.

If your mother “speaks with wisdom, and with faithful instructions (Proverbs 31:26), thank her and thank God for her. If your mother helped you know your heavenly Father better (God), and many good things “forsake not your mother’s teaching” (Proverbs 1:8). If God has blessed you with a godly wife and give you children, know that “she is far more precious than jewels” (Proverbs 31:10). Mommy’s are special “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” (Prov. 31:29) You are amazingly the best creation of the Lord and valuable gift to humanity. May God bless you all!

Second Anniversary

Our 18th anniversary is coming this June 2. Theme for this anniversary is “Sunrise Arise” (Isaiah 60.1). This is God’s message for us to revive Sunrise as a whole. I encourage everyone to take your part not just watch at the sideline. But do everything you can do to contribute, to take part on this mission God is giving us “knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain” (1Cor, 15:58) I believe firmly in my heart God has a favor with us in this new spiritual home we have. For this past 18 years as Sunrise, I have seen it, I have experienced it by myself, but more are coming says the Lord.

Go make disciples, share the Gospel to everyone you found in the street – if they smile at you, that is your cue that they are willing to talk to you. Take that moment – don’t let it go, or else you will be “accountable for the soul of that person” (Ezekiel 3:18).

3rd Fund Raising update!

I just like to remind everyone that we are not done yet with our “Fund Raising.” As you can see it, we have still many payables. So far we have raised $1,293,755 praise the Lord, but we are still $1,449,645 behind from our budget. But with all of us being one heart, one mind, one faith, one Jesus Christ, I believed that we will totally erase the financial backload we have from previous years as well.

This coming anniversary I would like to encourage everyone to make a very special Thanksgiving offering for the Lord. Seed faith offering for the coming revival of all Sunrise, Hong Kong and Macao. Amen!

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