In my recent trips to do evangelism at the airport, found it out that we cannot enjoy the aircon inside the arrival hall, due to some security issues. No one can go inside the airport unless you are the passenger. So, we must wait outside to those arriving and endure the hot weather outside near the bus terminal. In spite of the changes still the results of our evangelism were not changed, we were able to share Jesus and prayed to a total of 58 new people working in Hong Kong also get their contacts so we can now follow them up. Praise the Lord!
In the book of John, the Lord Jesus has warned his disciples to the chaos they will soon experience. So, Jesus give them encouragement, 33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33(NIV).
The Bible says there will come a day when everything that can be shaken will be shaken, so “the things which cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:27-28). I believe we are experiencing that shaking today, and it’s only just beginning and it’s not only here in HK but the world.
So what does this mean for us? It means we must find God’s hope amid the chaos and uncertainty of the times. We need to be able to say as David did, “I have set the LORD always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved” (Psalm 16:8). It’s a choice you make to trust your life to the living God. This means trust must be more than a nice theory—it must be reality for us. Your trust will give you hope to live on, no matter what happens. Because that hope is alive! The Bible reveals that Jesus is hope for the hopeless. He’s our strength and confidence, our Rock in times of trouble. Although He never pretended life would be easy, He gave us this great promise:
Yes, reality we now have few challenges in life. But as Jesus said take heart, “trust me. I overcome the world you will also overcome”! That’s amazing! Jesus care for us so much. God absolutely in control of everything. There is nothing to worry about, but there are things we need to do. KEEP YOUR HOPE ALIVE IN JESUS and do these to keep you going:
Keep praying, keep worshipping, keep loving, and keep sharing the Word of God. Many out there really need to hear the Word of God. GO and reach them for Jesus. This is a very noble thing for us to be doing this moment. Do not be lazy- laziness is evil inspired. Working hard is Godly inspired. God never stopped working.
Another thing, you join us in our Fasting and Prayer. This has been started last week until end of Sept in preparation for the Hong Kong Day of Prayer.
God has call Sunrise to pray for the City - We will pray more until we see and experience revival.
Our City really need prayer. God has given us this special favor to rise and lead Hong Kong back into the presence of God through DMM, Worship and Prayer. We also encourage you to support our prayer movement by donating to the church the amount you will be saving in fasting, that will be an amazing contribution you can make and bless Hong Kong and bless yourself too.