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Rev. Gary Shek

It almost 5 years since we adopted DMM as our means to grow our Church and to fulfill God’s Vision given to Sunrise. Until today we have not seen dramatic growth or at least even a small movement happening. 2020 is around the corner and will add another year to count to our DMM. Some are losing hope and saying this does not work in HK. Been thinking and praying to God why is this not happening.

God has reminded me. It is not that DMM is not Good, It is not that DMM not applicable to be used in Hong Kong, But it is because Satan knows the power of disciple making and he blocks it.

Satan’s blind people from knowing the truth of God – In DMM we tell the people to know Jesus, the way the truth and the life (John 14:6). Disciple them in the word of God and set them free from the bondages of the enemy.

Satan’s has the power to control people’s heart and mind – He does not want any good thing we do for the Lord to succeed. So he will always find people that he can control and will command them to do against anything good for the Kingdom. The scary thing about this is he will find people from inside not from outside, a very good example to this was Judas. (Luke 22:3). In DMM we mobilize everyone to go and make disciple. But many being stopped by the enemy.

Satan always prevent and Hinders the movement of the Gospel – During the night you may say, ah tomorrow I will go out and do evangelism. But in the morning, you have headache, or may be trouble, or becoming lazy, or have call for another appointment. These are few Satan’s way to hinder you from doing things for the Lord. Also Do not be surprised when you go out share the Gospel many will rejects you or ignores you.

These are just few things that Satan’s do to stop us from doing God’s thing.

But we will not stop! expanding the Kingdom of God! Because we Sunrise, we love Jesus. We love our heavenly Father; we love the Holy Spirit! We love to pray. We love the people. We love DMM. By God’s grace we will make it happen in Hong Kong. Because We are more than Conquerors. “What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

I would like to encourage everyone let us continue to spend time on our knees humbling before the Lord. The fuel of this movement and to weaken the power of Satan is prayer – without it (prayer) we cannot have it (movement). In the Gospel we have learned how Jesus himself spend every morning at the mountainside to pray before starting his ministry every day. All throughout the Bible we have seen it in full force empowering man and woman and disciples, its power never diminishes – because God never change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

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