Welcome back again everyone!
Thanks, God, for the government easing the restriction for Church gathering to no more than 50% of a church capacity. This is great news as many has missed going to church to attend a real fellowship. Maybe we can take turns to come to church to not overpopulate our place. Praise the Lord!
During this month of social distancing - found out that this has brought different results on the spirituality of everyone.
To some social distancing make them spiritually dry. As they long to come to church and enjoy real fellowship not online. Some are not enjoying online church. So, they felt dry spiritually.
To some a relief of not going to church. Means not giving tithing and offering, rest on their serving. And enjoy more free life, no church.
To some, social distancing did not matter to them. They participated in online worship, some brave to come and join live worship at the church. And they’ve never miss to give tithing and offering. Praise the Lord for your faithfulness. Listen to this, your faithfulness will be rewarded by the Lord. Keep it up. God is being glorified in you. I would like to name one of our faithful co-workers. Ps Carrie Lam at 71, you can see her with the strength and energy of 55 years old. And during social distancing never stopped leading his team in evangelism. The Result a new group was started with 30-40 people coming to MRC to join her doing DMM. Praise the Lord.
My dear brethren, my prayer is that you take time to see the result of this social distancing in you. If social distancing make you spiritually dry, please catch up! Its never too late to change and renew your commitment to the Lord.
If Social distancing exposes your unfaithfulness to God because you think “Oh, no Church, so I don’t need to give my tithing and offering and can free my life from Church ministry”. If this the result of social distancing in you, You should do something to fix that. Your unfaithfulness can cause the blessings of the Lord be missed! You still have time to come back to the Lord and confess. God is faithful and just, to forgive your sins and be blessed. (1 John 1:9).
Church no matter what happened you should be strong to your commitment in God. To love, to serve, to pray, to worship, to give and to obey him always. Regardless of any situation in your life let us continue to care and love one another. In this way the world will know that you are his disciple. (John 13:34-35). God bless you all!