This word of David in Psalm 90:12 caught my attention…”Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Reality, LIFE IS SHORT you must enjoy it…The best way to enjoy life is with God! It feels good, it satisfies, it’s the best life, Its beautiful.
Now a days, any time you can get the virus, and be gone, and this is the reality. But the question is where are you going after this life?
What legacy you would like to leave in this planet earth. A good name or a bad name! its up to us. Praise the Lord! God did not leave us grasping for what to do. He sends us a Helper to teach us all things Amen!
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in his name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26 ESV.
Having the Holy Spirit to guide and teach us is wonderful! But the problem is many believers also not willing to listen to the Holy Spirit. If you have this problem please pay attention and listen to the Holy Spirit leading, then you will enjoy your life more ever better. I guarantee you.
This coming Sunday 2:30, July 19-21 will be having our Strategic Camp. I would request all our Disciple Group leaders, Zone Leaders, Ministry Leaders. All our leaders, if possible, to attend, either on zoom or may you join us at 7/Floor. This is particularly important activities for our Church. You may read the details here in the Bulletin. Learning how to plan and implement is especially important principles even in our personal life. Expect you all to join the Strategic Camp.
God bless everyone, Be safe Always, Keep on praying, for our Church, our people, and Ministry.