Dear Brothers & Sisters,
Recently, after hearing the news of the verdict in the tragedy of a child abuse to death
three years ago, I couldn't help but grieve for what happened to the little girl, and for the sorrow suffered by her relatives, how can the extreme pain of the family be easily be washed away in midst of these years? A family of lives were lost in a fire in Sau Mau Ping, and the heart was very heavy. We have to quickly cry out to God for His mercy, to come to every person who is severly hurt in heart, body and spirit, and keep cry out to God in depths. Only God can heal their pain deeply, collect their tears and put inside leather bag to record them on His book. Pray that the every stripes of Lord Jesus become their healing, and God's love personally cover their every wound. Although there is a vaccine for the epidemic, seems a sign of relief, but we still need to strengthen defense against the possible spread of variant virus, one wave after one wave. How are we going to face them?
Read on Psalm 123, I pause especially on verse 2 to 3. “As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us his mercy. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us, for we have endured much contempt.”
Why do the eyes of the slave and the maid look at the hand of the master and mistress? What do they expect? A mercy. Our existing situation and surrounding environment really
have such a need, need the mercy of God, everyone in our city also need, need God to extend his hand of mercy to help us. Rise up! Pray, and pray more, let activate God's compassionate heart in us, pray more according to the powerful words of God, pray earnestly and keep watch for Hong Kong and the nations of the world, pray for the problems of the city you know. Prayers should become the most important task, call your team members to hurry to spend more time to pray together in unity, pray directly with God's words, and with the power of God's words to pray powerfully, believing that God will save us because of His abundant mercy, absolutely able to change everything for us! Amen!