Haggai 2:1-9‘The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”
Brothers and sisters, more glory will come later, Amen! The preceding text expresses that God will bring treasures or admirable shipments to bring glory to the temple said by the LORD.
Do you still remember what happened at the beginning of the year when we called for operating rent and prayed for supply? God did bring supplies from all sides which met the rent needs of Sunrise at that time and deeply realized His faithfulness.
To co-operate with what God has commanded.
We experience God's faithfulness and He is at work! It's wonderful to have this. However, brothers and sisters, this also requires us to know God’s words in participating more in morning sacrifice devotions and bible readings so that we can know what He has promised! In addition, we all co-operate with God’s work, devote ourselves to offerings such as tithing and serving to learn to be faithful believers and gain the joy of offering all of our hearts to God as in 1 Chronicles 29.
Looking forward to God's greater deeds.
We have been constantly experiencing God’s various protections and provision In the past years. We have also witnessed the presence of the Lord in gatherings and celebrations, many people have experienced signs and wonders and the power of prayer. But we must continue to look forward to God's more greater deeds in the Sunrise, Hong Kong, and even the nations! This year is the 7th October 1st Hong Kong Day of Prayer. I hope that each of us will not only join an activity, but pursue and expect God to be among us, to do more new things during this period, and we will witness and give out more new thanksgivings and praises to God.