This month, both my wife and I bear witness for life transformation of brethren in the body of Christ: some couples have started to pray together more often, and as a result of this, what started out as just the husband and wife require of themselves praying together - His house is a house of prayer, isn't it?
Then, behold, their son and daughter join them on occasion, and their son, who had doubts about Christianity, has begun to come back to church more often than ever before. Another sister started , in person, attending the 6:00 a.m. morning prayer meeting at church. She also heard the words of His mouth during the meeting. What a pleasant surprise!
Again, brethren, grave this on the palm of your hands:- His house is a house of prayer, isn't it?- I have to repeat this.
All of these brothers and sisters have one thing in common: ------ saw the weakness in themselves, draught in their own spiritual lives. In addition, they are willing to receive the courage and determination from our Lord to transform their lives .
See brethren, they prefer prayer and intercession in one accord as husband and wife above their chief joy.
The couple began to be skilled to understand that praying together as husband and wife could bring great blessings to their family, but at the same time saw that they lacked the strength to pray together as husband and wife, so they resolve heed the will of God to pray together more often. That sister was awakened that she was floundering in her spiritual life, so she decided to seek change.
Often we see people around us needing to change, churches needing to change, and families needing to change, but we don't see that in order for these areas to change, we need to change ourselves first. Many times we think we don't need to change, but in fact we are just being deceived ------ by the enemy, or we are deceiving ourselves..
John 9:1 - 41 tells the story of Jesus' miracle of healing a man who was born blind. The last part of the passage says:
Jesus said,"For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."
Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, "What? Are we blind too?"
Jesus said, "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. (NIV, John 9:38-41)
Brothers and sisters, do you really see your spiritual life? We encourage you to ask Jesus with your whole heart about the condition of your own spiritual life.Cry out unto Lord to strengthen ourselves with strength in our soul.
Ask the Lord to revive you, stretch forth His hand against the wrath of the enemies of our souls.
Make haste and seek to see Jesus. For we must know the time of the Lord's visitation. Be very attentive to hear from Him.
Let your heart study about Jesus Himself. Be doer of the Word, most importantly.