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Review: 2021 Jesus Only Passion

Rev Gary Shek, Ps Deborah

  Brothers and sisters, the New Year will soon unfold, like entering a new course of development, a new season, a new anointing, a new stage. And before entering the New Year, let's look back at whether in the past year, we began to place Jesus as the only passion in our lives.

  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)

  The most important thing in our life is to love God, which is not only a commandment that God gives us, but also refer to all our spiritual life, because He is the God who create us, our father, the source of our life, is the God who love us deeply, and give us new life and eternal hope for free. But before our spiritual life develop a close relationship with God, we are easy to be influenced by the world, easily lost the focus on God by the beautiful people, matters and things of the world.

  “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:15,17)

  The Bible clearly tells us not to love the world, because there will be no room to love God. Therefore, before we can love God, we must try our best not to love the world.

 What is loving the world? Do we first consider ourselves in priority than God with the entertainment, work, interest, friends, family, partners? As a result, we have no time to read bible, pray, enter the God’s secret place, participate in church cell gatherings, and Sunday service celebrations? Have we thus not focused on seeking God's plans and intentions in our lives? When we are lost in the world, may the holy spirit help us reiterate that … that both the world and its desires will pass, and can never satisfy us. Only the pursuit of God has an eternal value, and only God can fully satisfy us.



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